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松露猎人是一部值得一看的纪录电影,松露猎人上映于2020年,由Piero Botto,Sergio Cauda,Maria Cicciù,Aurelio Conterno,Enrico Crippa,Gianfranco Curti,Angelo Gagliardi,Egidio Gagliardi,Carlo Gondola,Carlo Gonella,Paolo Stacchini主演的纪录电影上映之后获得不错的好评,目前松露猎人综合评分在7.0分,可见由导演迈克尔·德维克,格雷戈里·克尔肖精心执导的纪录电影深受欢迎,从松露猎人的评分来看,松露猎人是一部颇具看点的纪录电影,松露猎人剧情讲的是In the secret forests of Northern Italy, a dwindling group of joyful old men and their faithful dogs search for the world’s most expensive ingredient, the white Alba truffle. Their stories form a real-life fairy tale that celebrates human passion in a fragile land that seems forgotten in time.

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