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父亲2020是一部值得一看的剧情电影,父亲2020上映于2020年,由戈兰·波格丹,波利斯·伊萨科维奇,纳达·萨金,Milica Janevski主演的剧情电影上映之后获得不错的好评,目前父亲2020综合评分在8.0分,可见由导演Srdan Golubović精心执导的剧情电影深受欢迎,从父亲2020的评分来看,父亲2020是一部颇具看点的剧情电影,父亲2020剧情讲的是After Nikola’s wife has attempted suicide, the casual labourer’s two children are taken away from him and placed with foster parents. A temporary arrangement, it is alleged. However, following an assessment of Nikola’s housing conditions, the head of the social welfare office in their small Serbian village decides that Nikola is too poor to provide an adequate living environment for his children. The reticent Nikola decides to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Belgrade. He is determined to..

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